Wentling Recognizes Two Municipalities for Dedication to Communities
April 12, 2023
HARRISBURG – The office of Rep. Parke Wentling (R-Mercer) presented citations in Harrisburg to local representatives from the City of Hermitage and Borough of Wheatland to commemorate receiving the Intergovernmental Cooperation Award as part of the 2023 Governor’s Awards for Local Government Excellence. The ceremony recognized local governments and officials who serve their communities and improve the quality of life for their residents.
Beginning Jan. 1, 2024, the two municipalities will merge and the borough will be named the Wheatland neighborhood of Hermitage.
Wentling said Wheatland participated in the state’s Early Intervention Program (EIP) where they engaged in feasibility studies, implemented the recommendations of contracting police and public works services and took measures to maintain financial security. Results indicated the borough would face future deficits, which prompted discussions of a merger to avoid raising taxes and cutting services for residents.
“This move was years in the making by dedicated local leaders, and I’m pleased to see this come to fruition,” said Wentling.
Representative Parke Wentling
7th Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives
Media Contact: Nate Temple
RepWentling.com / Facebook.com/RepWentling

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