Wentling, Brooks, Announce Grants Awarded for Area Transportation Projects

February 24, 2025

HARRISBURG – Rep. Parke Wentling (R-Mercer) and Sen. Michele Brooks (R-Mercer/Crawford/Lawrence) today announced that three transportation projects in the 7th Legislative District have received grant funding from the Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development (DCED) Multimodal Transportation Fund (MTF).

The three projects are as follows:
- Hermitage has received $150,000 for the LindenPointe Road expansion project.
- Sharon has received $626,370 to help enhance the transportation options on East Silver Street.
- St. Paul Homes, located in West Salem Township, has received $150,000 to construct a pedestrian bridge over Williamson Road.

“All three projects will help improve transportation quality for the people of the 7th Legislative District and these grants will be a major boost in getting them done,” said Wentling.

“These investments in our community’s infrastructure are crucial for improving access and mobility, while also supporting economic development,” said Brooks. “I was pleased to work with these project applicants to help secure assistance that seeks to improve the quality of life for our residents while enhancing public safety.”

Funds from the MTF may be used for the development, rehabilitation and enhancement of transportation assets to existing communities, streetscapes, lighting, sidewalk enhancements, pedestrian safety, connectivity of transportation assets and transit-oriented development.

Representative Parke Wentling
7th Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact: Joe Szymanski
RepWentling.com / Facebook.com/RepWentling

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