Wentling Releases Statement on Penn State Announcement Regarding Possible Satellite Campus Closures

February 26, 2025

HARRISBURG – Rep. Parke Wentling (R-Mercer) released the following statement on Penn State President Neeli Bendapudi’s announcement regarding the potential closure of multiple Penn State satellite campuses:

“As a former student of the Penn State Shenango campus, I implore President Neeli Bendapudi to keep it open. It is a vital campus for students across the Shenango Valley and beyond and provides key education and athletic opportunities for all who want them.

“Penn State Shenango is also a key employer for multiple families across the 7th Legislative District, providing family-supporting jobs. With these things in mind, I hope President Bendapudi does the right thing and keeps this campus open.”

Representative Parke Wentling
7th Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact: Joe Szymanski
RepWentling.com / Facebook.com/RepWentling

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