Wentling Announces Grants for Two Traffic Projects in Sharon

February 26, 2025

HARRISBURG – Rep. Parke Wentling (R-Mercer) announced that two traffic projects in Sharon have received funding from the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation’s Automated Red-Light Enforcement (ARLE) program.

Funding is being awarded as follows:

- $85,000 for updates to traffic signal equipment at 17 intersections.
- $120,000 to increase overall vehicle and pedestrian safety measures at the intersection of North Sharpsville Avenue and Pitt Street.

“This transportation funding will help Sharon complete multiple traffic improvements and increase safety for all,” said Wentling.

Pennsylvania’s ARLE program aims to improve safety at signalized intersections by providing automated enforcement at locations where data shows red-light running has been an issue. Projects were selected by an eight-member committee based on criteria such as safety benefits and effectiveness, cost, and local and regional impact.

Representative Parke Wentling
7th Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact: Joe Szymanski
RepWentling.com / Facebook.com/RepWentling

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